Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cafe love

†Amour, amour et seul' I'm alone. Meaning, I have no one to love, no one to love me back and quite frankly at nearly forty years old I feel past the point of having the chance to make a change. The fact that I live in Paris; the romantic capital of the world, does little to help the situation. I've lived here almost all my life; parents used to live in Wales, then England, then California for some time. Being young, I travelled with them, but now, here in Paris, I finally feel at home. I struggle to answer the question â€Å"why did I come to Paris, of all places†? I suppose it's because here that I can at least dream of one day, maybe, possibly finding some way of not being alone anymore. Everywhere I look, seems to be another person's life filled only with what I want. I'm not selfish and I'm sure that having someone else in my life would make me a happier person. This is why I have a strong resentment towards people who have a habit of betraying, lying or simply being unpleasant. Because they take life for granted, not experiencing, learning or challenging. That's not to say that I am unhappy, I often sit with my steaming coffee at one of the many street cafes in town and spend time people watching, as I pass time and reflect on my achievements I wonder what all these souls have achieved, where have they been? Where are they going? Are they on their way home to a loved one? I just need someone to feel complete. â€Å"I, capitalized, full. I, looking like a snowfall as I come calling. I, waiting for a saviour in the gas-station at midnight. I, holding no neighbourhood, loving the air. I, silent beside a man holding a megaphone outside of planned parenthood I, fading.† It's busy. Busier than its been in a while, packed with all different sorts of people. Young children, some in push chairs, some being held tightly in their mother's arms. Teenagers are also present, not really enjoying the surroundings yet smiling when in the company of grandparents. Women chattering around small tables, women standing impatiently waiting to be served, wives and girlfriends being held close by their husbands and boyfriends. The only men seated are extremely old or waiting to meet their wives. One regular customer, wearing a neatly pressed pin-striped suit, is sitting alone at a small table by the roadside, distancing himself from others. He's recognisable to me so my eyes are drawn to him. He glances over towards me and on seeing me staring back at him shifts in his chair uncomfortably. There are two glasses on the table, so I can only assume that he is waiting for company. He checks his watch several times and looks around; I look too although I don't know what I expect to see. He's an attractive man. Even though he's seated he looks tall, six foot at least. Clean shaven, glossy hair with a small amount of gel and shiny shoes which is a clear sign that he takes care over his appearance. I can imagine that he's not drinking coffee to avoid unpleasant smelling breath. So making the decision of ordering water was wise. I begin looking at him in more detail. I don't worry that he may notice me staring. It's now that he stands and strides towards the road. Definitely over six foot tall. He suddenly stops and looks back. A phone rings, as he reaches into his pocket I realise it's his. He directs a smile at me and walks back towards the road all the while in conversation. Probably his wife. â€Å"I, alive before the fireworks with one eye on the storm, I, skating on the ice with one foot in the ocean, I, drunk beneath the shelter of a thousand poets There is no-one as blind as those who choose not to see I, me.† Late afternoon at the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ is normally the busiest time. Which makes it my favourite time to sit and observe everyone. The clientele is always the same, with a few new comers each day, but only a few decide to stay. It looks especially pretty today, the tops of the tables and chairs where people have not yet sat are quilted and neatly decorated with snow, it also creates a pathway on the ground of delicate footsteps from the waitresses' angelic feet. A coffee cup has been left at my table, it is beginning to freeze and what there was once coffee is a frosty covering, somewhat improving its appearance looking almost beautiful and glistening in the light. It's sad I know, but somehow I become attached to this cup. It's centre stage on the table, soaking in all my attention. As I look closer, a small crack becomes visible. I begin to imagine some wonderful life stories of the coffee cup, battles, fights and journeys. After pondering over the past of the cup, I conclude that it was just dropped in the kitchen. After all, it's only a mug. I'm sitting alone, enjoying the company of strangers. A waitress comes over with my coffee, taking away the crystallized coffee mug. Now I am alone amongst strangers again. As I stay later the snow begins to melt and the nice Christmas feeling of the crisp coldness in the air also begins to fade. I take a lighter out of my coat pocket, and because the waitresses have seemed to disappear, I walk slowly around the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ lighting the candles at the remaining empty tables. I take my time, I'm not worried about anyone seeing me. When I have finished I sit back at my table, and admiring the sparkling candles. The Christmas feeling is half restored by the warm comforting feeling of subtle lights. â€Å"I, wearing white and thinking black I, planning a journey that's too far to walk, drive or sail I, the one who never planned but always expected I, lighting up a cigarette with the echoes of my mind I, breathing in the smoke that no-one else can find.† An old couple walk almost silently into the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, they take no notice of me at all. They take a while getting comfy at the table behind mine before they begin talking. The woman looks to be in her late fifties, and is wearing a red poncho which drapes to the floor making her bottom half invisible. The man is the same age, also wearing red. I smile at the fact they look the same, very elegant. He must have been wearing a black hat but removed it when entering the Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ because he's now holding it in his right hand. They begin conversation, I listen in excitedly, ‘Did you want a drink my dear?' He questioned the women whilst glancing around for a working waitress. †Erm, yes a hot chocolate please Eric† I stop listening for a second, and make a mental note of the man's name. He politely ordered for himself and his wife whilst searching for his wallet. He looked inside and shuffled uncontrollably to the bottom. Finally, he held out only two euros. Looking over at his wife, he saw her becoming quite impatient. ‘I haven't got all day!' She shouted whilst quickly gesturing towards her watch. Eric cancelled his order and paid for hers, looking quite flustered. ‘Keep the change', he murmured under his breath. His wife stood up and took her drink off him, ‘What took you so long buying one silly drink?' Questioned his wife, again impatiently. Eric stared blankly back at her, ‘I†¦just, couldn't remember what you wanted.' The woman then began arguing about how he wastes so much time over everything and just does not listen. If only she saw what I just saw, she wouldn't bother to question his actions. I stand up and move away from the couple, there is a knot forming in the back of my throat and my vision is becoming blurry. As I look down at the table, the snow has now completely melted, as one of my tears drop I can see it clearly on the glass table top. As I stare at the single tear, it seems to multiply like bacteria in seconds as more and more appear, as if by magic . â€Å"I, the small tear that leads to tears, I, the one who is ambiguous, I, attempting to buy groceries with good looks and failing miserably. I, thanking Allen Ginsberg, I, reading like the poet and writing like the fool I, nothing, really.† I sit alone for a while. Wondering how such an old couple can have a such a new and romantic love. I turn to change my view of the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, I'm about to turn to my left to admire the fine Christmas lights recently put on display but a small, dark haired little girl managed to catch my view. At first glance I thought she was sitting on her own because she was making such a mess of her table. But I saw a man to the left of her returning with napkins. He sat down next to her and began to mop up what looked like melted ice cream on the table. ‘Dad, I don't want it,' moaned the small girl. Immediately, I'm concentrated and fully focused on this little girl. Why was she moaning, why was she on her own? The man put a final napkin down and replied, ‘I know that's not†¦' The small girl stared violently, signally for him to stop talking – or else. I am even more involved now, it's times like these where I just want to ask what's going on. But I know I cant, that's just bad etiquette. Often I jump to conclusions and think up reasons why people are having such conversations. In this case, the situation that came to my mind first was; a girl, no family, living alone on the streets of Paris having to steal food from this cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. My mind then began on a journey of other extremities such as that she is actually German pretending to be French..? It is when the man began speaking, and took the part of the father, that my mind stopped travelling such journeys . ‘Dad, just talk to Mummy. I don't like being with you only at weekends. I miss Mum. Please.' The small girl now speaking out of pure desperation. The father replied quickly with ‘Darling, it's not that simple. Marriage, well, it's not easy you know.' He then took the girls hand for second before she pulled away almost automatically. The father reached for his grey coat which he had drooped over the back of the chair and began to put it on. The girl took this as a sign that it was the end of the conversation, obviously something she was use to hearing. They begin to walk my way so I turn quickly. Much too quickly, resulting in my coffee spilling half on the floor and half on me. I stand and look at the mess, for a few seconds I wonder if this would be a good excuse to ask the father for a napkin, in order to engross myself in conversation. I decide against it considering they have already left. On my way to the washroom I start to think about the marriage that the mother and father must have had. Because it must have affected the small girl a lot for her to mention and be so upset about it. Perhaps one of them met someone else, perhaps they simply went different ways. But whatever happened to that marriage, surely the love in the marriage must have died. I wish I didn't wonder so much sometimes, it only leads me to imagine the worst of things. How can love not work out, if I found love I would hold onto it and never let it go. How can It go wrong? When you fall in love you want it to be forever and you love them for who they are. So any flaws can be worked out or you just love them in spite of that. The thought of suddenly not being loved must eat people up inside. Heartbreaking. Possibly my life is too good to risk being heartbroken. Because even if I am on my own, at least it's only me that's liable to hurt myself. No one else can hurt me, I'm in charge. Maybe it's not as idealistic in reality. â€Å"I, immune to heartache I, the liar.† After drying my coffee stained skirt, I brush past the waitresses who seem to be re-appearing due to the increasing customers. I see one waitress finish cleaning my table. It's getting dark, which means I really should be soon returning home. I usually hate this time because it means I have to walk lonely through the streets looking at the couples hand in hand or the mothers and daughters smiling. And because I'm such a paranoid person I automatically think they're only smiling because I'm there and they want to make me jealous. But at this moment in time, I really don't know how I feel. After witnessing that small girl's unlawfully relationship with her father; wondering how things in a marriage can become that disastrous. When I think about that, I'm reluctant to feel jealous by those couples smiling back at me, because one day, they could be heartbroken and wonder themselves why they put them selves in such a vulnerable position. Suddenly, I'm startled. At first for no particular reason I feel as if I'm being watched. This feeling causes me to look wearily around, a tall man is admiring me. His eyes fixated on me. In response I smile, I feel as if I know him. He is still looking at me, so I begin to look at him in closer detail, he's an attractive man with a well cared for appearance, his shiny shoes gave that away. I scare myself with shock when I realise who he is, the regular who comes here. The man who's forever getting stood up by his wife. He stands and walks nervously towards where I'm standing, frozen. As he walks, I have the decision to walk away and pretend I have no idea that he's walking to talk to me. Or I could stay and see what he wants; everything seems to be a little flirtatious even though he's married. Maybe, I never really had hard evidence. I do have quite a writers' imagination. He begins to speak, †Hello. I hope you don't mind but I often sit here alone and see you here alone too.† I look straight into his blue exotic eyes, immediately I feel a connection. Just two strangers, just two alone strangers. I feel like I have been frozen in time as I begin to recite a monologue of thoughts to myself. ‘I was wondering if you would like to sit alone together some time?' â€Å"I, giving up structure. I know that words once read will always be spoken And fabric once torn will always be scarred, And the night will always be broken by the Gentle murmur of cars†¦ But, what is costume without personality,, Or a poet without publication What is a man without attempt, Or a woman without patience. Here comes the thunderstorm. I, silent.†

Friday, August 30, 2019

Teaching and Coaching

The teaching-coaching function of the domains of nursing practice is a very important aspect that nurses must practice to be effective. We learn many things from textbooks, clinical environments and job placements; but I think some of the most valuable lessons and skills that I have learned were from my fellow nurses and other healthcare providers while on the job. I work with adolescents on a daily basis that are cognitively impaired that need to be taught many life skills.The competencies that I want to emphasize in my post are the first that is listed which is; â€Å"Timing: Capturing a Patient’s Readiness to Learn†. This one particular patient that was on my unit was a 14 year old male that was being resistant to the teaching of proper use of his metered dose inhaler. The patient did not want to accept the fact that he had asthma. He stated that the only reason that he has shortness of breath was, â€Å"because I smoke too many cigarettes†. I recognized that the patient just simply wasn’t ready to learn at this time. Assessing where a patient is, how open he is to information, deciding when to go ahead even when the patient does not appear ready, are key aspects of effective patient teaching† (Benner, 2001). So I waited a few hours later and gathered some information about asthma and the benefits of using the inhaler. After hours upon hours of speaking with the patient, he was finally able to realize that the inhaler would give him a better quality of life when used correctly. This was about a month ago, and the patient is now using the inhaler as needed, the correct way.This may seem like a small achievement to some, but I felt very complete when I went home that night after speaking with this patient. Thank you for reading my post, I look forward to reading your feedback. James 5:15 – And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Reference Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Food Inc. Case Study Essay

1. How has technology been applied to the food production process? Give/describe at least 3 examples. In the last 50 years, technology has completely changed the way we eat. When we think about farming, we think red barns, green grass, free-roaming animals, etc. Farming, now-a-days, is far different than the image the industry has lead us to believe. Farming has become a highly industrialized and mechanized business. The reality is our food is no longer coming from farms; it’s coming off assembly lines in factories, just like automobiles. Due to the high demand for certain types of foods, technology has allowed us to change the way we grow our food. Through genetic engineering, scientists have been able to introduce genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) into the food system to help with the shortage of food. Take for instance, the chicken. In 1950, it took farmers 70 days to raise a chicken. Now, it takes half the time, only 48 days. Not only can farmers grow chickens faster, they can grow them to be bigger. To meet the needs of consumers’ preferences for white meat, scientists made specific changes to the chickens’ DNA that made it possible to redesign the chicken to have larger breasts ( Another area where technology was applied to our food production process was through crops. In the 1930’s scientists developed a hybrid seed for corn, this hybrid had stronger stalks that resisted being blown over and it allowed farmers to plant the crop closer together (Food, Inc. Discussion Guide). Resulting in higher yields, â€Å"100 years ago a farmer in America could grow maybe 20 bushels of corn on an acre. Today, 200 bushels is no problem† (Food, Inc.). With the surplus of corn, scientists were able to develop more uses for it. A couple of examples include corn-based ethanol fuel, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, etc. Even though the technological advances mentioned above are astounding, one can’t help but wonder how these changes are aff ecting society. 2. How has business influenced government in the agricultural / food industry? Give at least 3 examples from the documentary. Monsanto has influenced government in many ways when it comes to the agricultural / food industry. Michael Pallon, an American author / journalist / activist, states â€Å"There has been this revolving door between Monsanto’s corporate offices and the various regulatory and judicial bodies that have made the  key decisions.† (Food, Inc.). For example, Justice Clarence Thomas (1991 – Present) was an attorney for Monsanto from 1976 – 1979 and wrote the majority of the opinion that refused farmers from cleaning and saving their own seed (Food, Inc.) Monsanto also had very close ties to the Bush and Clinton Administration. These ties eliminated the political debates over the extreme change in our food system. â€Å"For the last 25 years, our government has been dominated by the industries that it was meant to be regulating† (Food, Inc.). Take for example, Michael Taylor King, a Spaulding lawyer from 1994 – 1991. He advised his client, Monsanto, on GMF labeling. Then in 1991, he became the Deputy Commissioner for Policy and oversaw the FDA’s decision not to label GMF’s. As stated in the film, there is too much centralized power. Farmers are going into more and more debt with each year passing and what’s truly sad about the whole situation is they have no control over the businesses they worked tooth and nail for. 3. What is the FDA’s most current policy on genetically engineered foods? If you use a quote, then use two paragraphs or more to support the quote.  According to Noelle Cremers with the California Farm Bureau the FDA’s most current policy regarding genetically engineered foods is as follows, â€Å"And if I can point out the reason that we are concerned with labeling is it creates unnecessary fear in a consumer’s mind. Until the industry has an opportunity to educate why we want to use this technology and the value of the technology, we don’t feel that consumers just having a warning label will help them† (Food, Inc.). The problem with this is it violates consumer’s rights. As stated in the â€Å"consumer’s Magna Carta† that was spelled out by President John F. Kennedy, consumers have four basic rights, the right to be informed, the right to safety, the right to choose, and the right to be heard (Carroll and Buchholtz 392). The FDA is violating at least three of consumer’s rights by not labeling for GMO’s. Starting with the right to be informed, which â€Å"refers to the consumer’s right to know about a product, its use, and the cautions to be exercised while using it† (Carroll and Buchholtz 392). Without labeling, consumers have no clue what they are consuming, they are not informed. Next, the FDA is violating consumer’s right to safety which refers to concerns of  a product being dangerous (Carroll and Buchholtz 392). Even though GMO’s were discovered in the 1970’s, approximately 40 years ago, there is little to no research proving these products are safe for us to consume. Are they trying to cover up the fact that they are dangerous? Lastly, they are not allowing consumers the right to choose. Without full disclosure of GMO’s, how can one make an accurate choice? As far as the right to be heard, the FDA is hearing consumer’s desires and grievances towards the labeling of GMO’s, they’re just not listening. 4. What evidence do you see in the documentary that business is taking a more proactive, socially responsible stance to food production? To prove it is possible for businesses to have a proactive, socially responsible stance in the way food is produced, the documentary focused on two companies, Polyface Farms and Stonyfield Farms. Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farms, is hitting the nail on the head when it comes to being a socially responsible business owner. He’s upholding his economic responsibility to be profitable. He may not be striving to have his food sold at Wal-Mart, but he is charging customer’s fair prices for the quality of food he is providing. Polyface Farms is being legally responsible by obeying all laws. Although, the United States Department of Agricultural did try shutting them down because their operations are open to the air and it is considered to be unsanitary. However, he had his workplace cultured at a local microbiology lab and the results averaged 133 colony forming units, where the cultures from stores averaged 3600 colony forming units. In microbiology, colony-forming unit (CFU) is an estimate of viable bacterial or fungal numbers. Unlike direct microscopic counts where all cells, dead and living, are counted, CFU estimates viable cells ( Lastly, Polyface farms is withholding there ethical standards high. Some could argue that killing animals for food is wrong, but that is a completely different subject. The company is showing respect to the planet, their workers, the animals, and their consumers. In the documentary Joel Salatin states, â€Å"I mean, a culture that just views a pig as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure to be manipulated by whatever creative design that humans can foist on that critter will probably view individuals within its community and other cultures in the community of  nations with the same type of disdain, disrespect and controlling-type mentality.† (Food, Inc.). That statement alone proves he is ethically responsible. The documentary also focused on Stonyfield Farms as a socially responsible company. Gary Hirschberg, the COO of Stonyfield Farms states, â€Å"When we started out, we were a seven-cow farm. We wanted to prove that business could be part of the solution to the globe’s environmental problems. At the same time we had to prove that we could be highly profitable† (Food, Inc.). Stonyfield is the third largest yogurt brand in America, and they are the most profitable, e.g. they’re being economically responsible. The company is proving to be ethically responsible by providing organic yogurt, quality products, to the consumers at a responsible price, and you can tell in the documentary that their animals are being treated with respect. The cows were roaming free and were very clean, the farm had red barns that were kept nicely, and the grass was green. More and more companies today, are sprinting into the organic business. They are starting to realize that consumers are waking up and seeing behind the veil the food industry has put up. Consumers want to be healthy, be respected as both consumers and worker, and they want to preserve our environment for future generations. Works Citied Carroll, Archie B., and Buchholtz, Ann K. Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. 8th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage, 2012. â€Å"Colony-forming Unit.† 4 February 2014. 18 March 2014 <> Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Perf. Robert Kenner; Richard Pearce; Eric Schlosser; Melissa Robledo; William Pohlad; Jeff Skoll; Robin Schorr; Diane Weyermann; Elise Pearlstein; Kim Roberts; Michael Pollan; Gary Hirshberg; Joel Salatin; Mark Adler. Los Angeles, CA : Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2009. DVD. â€Å"Food, Inc. Discussion Guide.† 15 March 2014 â€Å"Genetically Modified Food.† 17 March 2014. 18 March 2014 < >

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management strategic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management strategic - Term Paper Example Retail coffee, European apparel, European nuts and snacks, U.S. meat snacks, European meats and Sara Lee branded apparel. Another significant decision taken parallel was to spin off the branded apparel business as Hanesbrands rather than selling it. This decision generated good cash flows for Sara Lee. After the retrenchment, Sara Lee Corporation took several strategic decisions to increase its sales and profits continuously. Quantitative goals were fixed for sales and profitability. For achieving these goals, the company decided to focus on three competitive capabilities. The first was to focus on customer needs and satisfaction. The second was to have appropriate category management to win new accounts or customers. The third was to focus on operational excellence through lean manufacturing and centralized purchasing. In addition to these capabilities, the company decided to develop a revised three division organizational structure according to customer types. These three divisions were Sara Lee food and beverage division, Sara lee Foodservice division and Sara Lee international division. This division was done in order to better realize the organizational

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

European union law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

European union law - Essay Example Initially, EU member states concentrate upon the discrimination on the basis of two respects as described by the EU law. Firstly, the economic objectives of EU commission is to create a common employment market with the help of equal treatment of the workers which are required to prohibit discrimination on the basis of nationality under the Article 45 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Secondly, the workers who belong from an EU nation should not be treated differently in the job market of any other EU nations on the basis of gender differences restricting discrimination practice based on sex1. Taking into consideration the ethical practices and the requirement of equal treatment of employees, the general guidelines of non-discrimination was implemented through the EU legislative emphasising on gender discrimination concerning the equal pay policies for both men and women under the Article 157 of the TFEU which was formerly attributed as Article 119 of the Europe an Commission (EC). The ‘pay gap’ between both the genders is regarded as applicable in every member state of EU according to the EU law. On the basis of the implications of ‘pay gap’, the EU legislation promotes equal pay in order to evaluate the gap between the income levels of both the genders whose pay structure is quite higher. Contextually, the employment segmentation on the basis of gender implies that in many employment workplaces, the male employees predominantly occupied the labour market within the EU member states. In the context of equal pay, the aforementioned aspect was applicable when the discrimination principle of the EU law was further extended to facilitate the equal pay of workers. Moreover, on the basis of the case law of European Court of Justice (ECJ), it can be affirmed that the general guidelines regarding the equal payment for both female as well as male employees rendered due consideration towards social objectives of growth and overall development. Discrimination of gender within the employment takes place when an employee obtains special treatments on the basis of various arbitrary criteria such as gender, religion, age, parental status, socio-economic background, race and political opinion. It is worth mentioning in this context that the notion, ‘discrimination’, was initiated within EU discourse in the form of restriction under the Article 18 TFEU. As per the EU commission, ‘Council Directive 75/117/EEC’ implemented policies obstructing gender discrimination affirming that there should be the equal pay for both men and women. Furthermore, Council Directive 76/207/EEC also executed certain guidelines regarding equal treatment for both the genders on the basis of extra pay, promotion, training and working situations2. In present business context, it has been observed that most of the working women in EU member states have to face ‘deep-rooted’ injustice within their workplace, compromising with lesser payment compared to their male colleagues irrespective of their similar job responsibilities. Hence, equal treatment among the men and women workers have emerged as one of the significant aspects within the EU member states. It is in this context t

Immigration Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Immigration Reform - Research Paper Example On June 15, 2012, with immediate effect, the Obama administration declared that the administration would not deport young illegal immigrants arrived in the US as children. To speak precisely, the illegal immigrants will get work permit if they have arrived in the US before age 16 and the current age of the applicant is less than 30. They may also be granted work permit if they have been living in this country for 5 years uninterruptedly, have graduated from a US high school, or have served in the military. Above all, it is necessary that they do not have any criminal history during the stay in the US. Janet Napolitano, the Homeland Security further clarified, "It is not immunity; it is not amnesty. It is an exercise of discretion," (Peralta and Memmott, 2012). This implies that the State is using its discretion powers and allowing people to apply for job permits. In this policy measure, the government decides to bypass Congress because of their inability to enforce the Dream Act that has provision of granting citizenship to illegal immigrants provided they serve in the military or go to college. For many undocumented children, English is their first language and the US is their home. Many of these illegal immigrants are in the process of completing schooling with the top grades. They do have the potential of becoming future teachers, nurses, doctors and scientists but their illegal status comes in their way. The Presidents initiative will give them an opportunity to exploit their full potential. The initiative is aimed at achieving the following objectives (American Immigration Council, 2012). a. Initiative provides opportunity not only to enhance their living standards but contribute to the US economy by increasing its GDP and tax contributions. It has been found that those with higher degrees earn two to three times more than a person with only high-school degree

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should the US gets itself involved in everything going on in the Research Paper

Should the US gets itself involved in everything going on in the middle east - Research Paper Example 78). This piece of research paper attempts to address how dangerously United States has been playing its diplomatic roles in the Middle East and explains five reasons why the US shouldn’t get involved in everything that go on in the region. This paper analyzes how the political languages the US repeatedly has been using like peace-making, anti-terrorism and weapon proliferation have but shown that they were absolutely meaningless due to the ongoing conflicts in the region, ever-increasing terrorism and devastating weaponry-political ideologies. Five reasons why the US shouldn’t involve in the Middle East United States shouldn’t play its diplomatic roles in military, political and all other activities that go on in the Middle East mainly for the following factors: 1. The main interest behind US’s involvement in the Middle East is to get wider access to oil-resources, which in turn can never be justified in terms of business or international politics. 2. Mid dle East is basically an Islamic region and therefore any involvement from the US side will be seen as an unnecessary involvement especially in religious affairs, and its interest in wars will be merely unjust. 3. As widely known, or as widely being debated in media worldwide, one of the main reason why US involves in the Middle East is to preserve the security and well-being of Israel (Pelletreau, p. 21), and therefore it will have a devastating impact on Middle East people’s perception of the US creating more hatred towards the US. 4. US involvement in Middle East will cause nothing more than giving excitement to the terrorists and thus making the region more vulnerable to ongoing conflicts and political instabilities. 5. The more the US gets involved in the Middle East, the highest the numbers of people, civilians and troops being killed in regions like Palestine, Iraq and other countries. Based on literatures and experts’ opinion, these reasons are detailed below: The US Interest in oil-resources When it comes to the case of recent war between Iraq and the US, for instance, the US gained full of oil resources that can help it fulfill its oil-requirements for years, where as Iraq lost their political and social stability in the country. As Krasner (p. 189) noted, the second World War has actually brought greater demand for oil and that bringing US attention to the Middle East as well. From 1940 onwards, America has been taking serious foreign policies to help it access oil from the Gulf countries. Pauly (p. 160) observed that Middle East has been a vital source for greater access to oil resources and this has brought the attention of the US foreign policy too. Without oil, many countries and many economies would face major disruptions. Similarly, the standard of living even will be greatly impacted if the US lacks oil resources and therefore America has increasingly intervened diplomatically, economically and militarily in the region. The ethi cal and moral sides of this intention and military operation can never be justified and therefore America should stop involving in the affairs OF Middle East. Involvement unjust Economical, diplomatic and military involvement of the US in the Middle Eas

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critique a TV or radio commercial, an Internet advertisement, or a Essay

Critique a TV or radio commercial, an Internet advertisement, or a print for Gastroesphageal (Gerd) use Nexium for the medication - Essay Example This disease is affecting more and more individuals each day, including very young children. This paper investigates two kinds of treatment for GERD, one is FDA-approved and the other is not. Looking at their advertisements and reports of use online, the paper determines which treatment is better for patients with GERD. GERD is becoming more and more common nowadays and what was once thought as a simple nuisance related to eating has now been recognized as a disease (Maranto, 2001). GERD is characterized by acid reflux coming from the stomach and reaching the esophagus, causing the patient to vomit, feel uneasy, suffer from chronic cough, laryngitis, abdominal pain, dysphagia, anemia, weight loss, or even asthma. There are some cases where the patient even experienced heartburn (FDA, 2008), making the symptoms quite vague to determine. Some experience reflux after eating a large meal or enjoying their favourite dish. This led to the belief that GERD is triggered by some food ingredients. Still others thought the disease is caused by overeating, thus they watched their diet but still experienced the same problem. Although the main cause of GERD was not yet revealed, experts have made different solutions to remedy the problem. On the conservative side, people were asked to watch their diet, eat nutritious food, and avoid stress. However, others were prescribed to undergo surgery, which did not help as patients experienced more problems later on, including cancer of the esophagus (Tygat, 2002). Experts have yielded to the belief that surgery is least required; therefore resorting to medical treatments. The two treatments investigated in the paper are Nexium and Betaine Hydrocloride (Hcl) with Pepsin. Approved for drug use by the FDA for the treatment of GERD including young children age 1-11 years (â€Å"Nexium†, 2008), Nexium is composed of esomeprazole magnesium in liquid and capsule form. It is manufactured by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Policy debate 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Policy debate 2 - Essay Example ia’s affairs, and advertizing is recognized a part of the mass media, the opinion was created that advertizing is subject to more severe restrictions than other forms of a freedom of speech. In commercial advertising it is possible to select characters under the concept of advertizing. Usually they are very attractive, charming with a bright expression. Thus, advertizing draws attention, the impression is made, positive emotions are created. In political advertizing the situation in quite different- there are specific political leaders with their individual originality, they cant be replaced with anybody, it is not possible to change their appearance The image of a political leader in political advertizing is urged to carry out the most important functions, because only a strong personality is capable to realize ideas, therefore, there are very strict requirements for political advertising. This advertising should not just make the needed impression; it should first of all inform people about the opportunities they can choose. And it is not advertising, but people, who should make choice for their future and for the future of the state (Ginsberg et

Friday, August 23, 2019

Epicurus' View On Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Epicurus' View On Death - Essay Example The second view has its roots in religion and has far-reaching implications for understanding the meaning of death. This view does not accept death as the way of getting rid of tortures and life difficulties (Belshaw 2009). Based on this view, individuals should keep living, no matter how difficult their lives can be (Belshaw, 2009). In happiness and troubles, life is the greatest value that needs to be preserved and continued by all possible means. This view also implies that, no matter how difficult one’s life can be, there is also some room for making improvements (Belshaw 2009). The third view on death reduces the scope of badness in death but does not eliminate it. Simply stated, proponents of the third view realize that, at times, death may appear to be a preferable alternative to life (Belshaw 2009). Depending on the circumstances, life can be better or worse than death but, nevertheless, it is remains inherently bad (Belshaw 2009). It is no wonder that the prevailing m ajority of people associate death with sadness, loss, grief, and eternal separation with those who leave the world of the living and enter the world of the dead. Is it that death is as bad as many people believe it to be? Isn’t it possible to change public perceptions of death and realize that, even if death is not good, it may not be bad? Epicurus’ views on death hold a promise to clarify the situation. Despite the contribution made by Epicurus to the evolution of philosophy, his legacy in the study of death is persistently disregarded. Epicurus’ view on death is found in Letter to Menoeceus: â€Å"Accustom thyself to believe that death is... This essay describes Epicurus and his views on death. He used to be one of the most popular philosophers whose contribution to the meaning of death was persistently disregarded. Death is the topic that surrounded by considerable philosophic controversies even in modern society. According to Epicurus and his philosophical views, death is neither pleasant nor painful. Therefore, based on this premise, death cannot be bad. The researcher suggests that Epicurus may be right in that death is not worth being feared of, as long as no one can escape it. It is more reasonable and rational for people to take death as something inevitable. Simultaneously, the difficulty interpreting the meaning of badness should not be dismissed and, despite its value, Epicurus’ view cannot guarantee that death is bad or horrid for everyone or that death is bad and horrid at all. The researcher also uses comparisons between Western and Eastern worlds to give better explanation on the topic. In the Wester n world, death is usually considered as an extremely bad and undesirable phenomenon. The relationship between death and badness is analyzed in the essay, it tends to be considered from three different standpoints. In conlusion, the researcher sums up Epicurean philosophy of death. It falls short from the arguments that could support or deny the criteria of badness proposed by Epicurus. Objectively, no one can know whether death is pleasurable or painless, and this is one of the major pitfalls of Epicurean death philosophy.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Good Morning, Life! Essay Example for Free

Good Morning, Life! Essay Good Morning, Miss Dove, is a novel narrating the story of an elementary school teacher, who later in her life will suffer from an illness that would require her to undergo a life-threatening surgery. This bestseller was written by Frances Gray Patton. Life during the time of Miss Dove, was far more simple and serene. She has ruled the classroom for decades enforcing strict rules. Such rules reflect her humor-less, no-nonsense and stern personality. After all, she was more popularly known as â€Å"the terrible Miss Dove. † She epitomizes gentility and wisdom. She leads by example. Reflecting a dramatic event in life, the children she once mentored are now in turn at her service as her doctors and nurses. Events turned nostalgic as she began to see her students again, this time as adults concerned about the health of their second mother. Her students were taught to live abiding by strict rules. She instilled in them that lifes everyday challenges can be approached just by using ones common sense. These are practical rules. When practiced, it would certainly make our lives easier and more worth it. Life is complex in itself. Let us not add to its complexities by making our lives harder than it really is. Life is a learning ground. It is a huge classroom of endless learning. And we must all aim to graduate life with honors. Miss Dove is like any other parent proud of the fruits of her labor. She cared enough to trace the path she wanted her students to take. When payback day begins to dawn, the wind beneath our wings deserves credit. Echoing the voices of all the other pupils of Liberty Hill, let us thank this lady for teaching us lifes valuable lessons, in the manner that seemed like a live movie happening right before our eyes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Farewell Speech Essay Example for Free

Farewell Speech Essay â€Å" Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. † – Seneca. Middle school ended and now High school has begun. We all go into high school not knowing what to expect. Like if you’ll have the same classes as your best friend, if you’ll have nice teachers, or if you’ll get dumped in a trash can on â€Å"Freshman Friday. † The toughest thing is not knowing which of your friends for middle school will be at your school and which ones won’t be, if your best friend is going to a different school then you. But it’s O. K. high school is a new beginning we get to reconnect with old friends from elementary school and see our friends from last year to. As time goes by and with each of our classes you build new friendships that strengthen as the year goes on. The more you get involved in school the more you get to become friends with more people. I did Cheerleading for school this year and I have no regrets, I made so many new friends because of it they’re like my sisters now. I was also a wrestling manager and that was great I can’t wait to do it again next year, I didn’t only become close with the other managers I also became close with the wrestlers, they’re like brothers now. But no matter how many friends you made in high school you never lose touch with the ones you had in middle school. Every Freshman had those â€Å"Freshman Fears. † Some not as bad others, but everyone has them. Like the fear of â€Å"Freshman Friday† it’s funny because we never actually had that. It’s something they say to scare us†¦. And it works every time. We worry about if we have good teachers or not. Most of them are, but that’s your own opinion. Will we have a lot of our friends in our class? Are they going to have the same lunch as us? We get scared that we’ll get lost in the hall ways, or seniors will run us over. We have so many worries because of what we hear about high school, and that sense we’re the youngest in the school we have the worst teachers. It’s not like that at all in fact this year of high school was great, I wouldn’t change it at all. Yeah, this year wasn’t perfect, there was still drama and fights, but once everyone got past all that this year was really fun. Football games were always fun, everyone went to them and had a great time. Pep rallies are interesting, especially when the seniors and juniors try to win the spirit stick. A lot of people try to make high school sound scary and horrible, but it hasn’t been bad at all. I’ve had a great year and can’t wait to see how the rest of high school will be.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social exclusion and poverty

Social exclusion and poverty Within this essay I will attempt to examine what is meant by the term social exclusion, its issues and causes and how it links with poverty. I will also identify groups that face social exclusion, their experiences, the affects it has on them and the role of the social worker in overcoming this. I will touch upon the media and legislation and the part they play in social exclusion. Finally I will endeavour to define anti-oppressive practice, the role of the social worker regarding it and how it can lead to social inclusion. Social exclusion is defined by Pierson as the act by which certain people are excluded from partaking in activities within the society of which they should be part of. This includes individuals, families, groups and whole neighbourhoods. Predominantly, this is a result of poverty, however, other influences can consist of discrimination and lack of educational attainment. Those who are socially excluded are unable to participate in the activities, services and opportunities that most of a society are able to take advantage of (Pierson, 2010). It has been recognised within this definition that poverty can be a factor within the causes of social exclusion and many writers on the subject of social exclusion and poverty, including government, will pair these two together. Other causes include unemployment, lack of social networks, geographical location and limited access to services. These are all interlinked, with poverty being a theme throughout. People who face social exclusion can be locked within this deprivation cycle making it difficult to escape (Pierson, 2010). However, Pierson notes that these causes of social exclusion are also the keys to overcoming it as he discusses the â€Å"five building blocks for tackling social exclusion† (2010, p.48). These building blocks which comprise of maximising income, strengthening social networks, building partnerships, creating effective participation and community-level practice, should be used by social workers who are working with those who are socially excluded to supp ort them into becoming participative members of a society (Pierson, 2010). It is worth noting that anyone could face social exclusion at some point of their life, although those who are most likely endure it consist of ethnic minorities; as they make up a small proportion of the population, people living in poverty; to illustrate this, in 2011/12 15% of the population of Wales were living in relative low income (ONS, 2014), the unemployed; although it has been highlighted in the press that many people are in poverty despite being in employment (Gander, 2013), those with a long-term illness, those in the lower social classes in accordance with The Registrar General’s Classification of Social Classes, the disabled, those with low educational attainment, the homeless and the elderly, to name but a few (Trevithick, 2005). These marginalised individuals or groups face discrimination and often have a stigma attached to them. If I concentrate on ethnic minorities, in particular immigrants, this group and the individuals within it face a stereotype which bec omes a barrier that keeps them socially excluded. This stigma is based on ideas of racism. The media also play a part in this with headlines suggesting immigrants are taking away jobs from the British labour force, which in turn only fuels racist feelings and further stigmatises individuals (Paton, 2013). One priority for the social worker when dealing with social exclusion would be to promote positive change for those they are working with, to do this it is important that they understand what is going on for individuals and appreciate why it is happening, this is essential if a difference is to be made (Trevithick, 2005). Change can be made at an individual level, in the work that social workers do directly with people, empowering these individuals to make a positive difference to their lives and therefore enabling them to become socially inclusive. Social workers may also tackle social exclusion at a higher level by promoting the rights of individuals on a wider societal platform, this could be, for example speaking with other agencies and local authorities to get changes made to public transport to enable individuals or groups with mobility issues to access this service where they had not previously been able to (Wilson et al, 2008). According to Pierson (2010) social workers are i n the best position of all the health and care professionals to tackle social exclusion and achieve social justice due to the knowledge and skills they have, which have been gained not only from their education but also from their experiences in practice around dealing with the complex issues at all levels of society (Pierson, 2010). It states within the Code of Practice laid out by the Care Council for Wales, who oversee social work within Wales, that â€Å"as a social care worker, you must protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers† (CCW, 2011), it is therefore clear that overcoming social exclusion and challenging stigma is an expected aspect within the role of the social worker. The British Association for Social Workers defines social work as a profession that is about people. It is about improving outcomes for individuals and families by working with them and supporting them, advocating for them and signposting them to services. They will work with other agencies including education and health to ensure that service users are offered the best service available (BASW, 2014). It is the impression of Williams that in Wales, social workers can be the voice of the service users and their families, speaking up alongside them ensuring that their interests are heard. From reading the policy document Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities (WAG, 2007) she understands that social workers should be â€Å"actively involved† (p.191) in the influencing of policy making at both national and local levels (Williams, 2011). This power can be used by social workers to impact on discrimination, poverty and social exclusion. Disability Wales states that people with a disability are often disadvantaged because of society’s perceptions. When a person with a disability does not access a service this may be seen by mainstream society as a result of their impairment rather than the need for environmental changes. However many people with disabilities feel that although their bodies have an impairment it is societal barriers that cause them problems. Examples of this include badly designed buildings with no ramps or lifts and lack of accessible parking which are the problem for a person in a wheelchair, rather than the wheelchair being the problem. This hypothetical badly designed building may not only be the place of potential employment but could also be the job centre that this individual needs to access to enquire about work or the benefits office where they can find out about financial entitlements. These examples can mean the difference between a person with a disability gaining employment, escapi ng poverty and becoming socially inclusive and a person continuing to be socially excluded (Disability Wales, 2014). Research produced by Class (Centre for Labour and Social Studies) in association with Red Pepper dispels the myth that many people would rather claim disability benefits than work. The reality is that employers are less willing to employ a disabled person in spite of anti-discrimination legislation put in place by government which expects employers to make reasonable adjustments to their premises to accommodate people with disabilities (Class, 2013). In 2013 the UK government fronted an initiative to get more disabled people into mainstream employment through the Access to Work scheme (GOV, 2013). This initiative saw the closure of the few remaining Remploy factories, who employed mainly disabled people, with the view of supporting them into mainstream jobs rather than segregate these individuals from society. Despite the intentions of this scheme to encourage disable d individuals to become socially inclusive, an article from BBC news suggests that there are currently 30% fewer people with disabilities in employment now compared with when the factories were still in use, further excluding them from society (Fox, 2013). However, government statistics show that there has been a recent increase in the number of people finding employment through the Access to Work scheme suggesting progress is being made (GOV, 2014). The role of the social worker within this example would be to challenge the barriers faced when getting people with disabilities into employment and working with individuals to overcome them. Often, this may include liaising with family members and other agencies to ensure the best outcomes possible. In tackling social exclusion, the social worker would also need to work at a wider level, challenging services and legislation that may be oppressing these individuals and groups (Horner, 2006). Oppression occurs due to disproportions of power resulting in dominant groups within society holding control over others leading to the creation of institutions, parliament for example. Dominant groups typically consist of white, wealthy, able-bodied males. These institutions go on to promote the interests of the dominant group, providing them with power. Those who do not have control or power therefore find difficulty in making their opinions and values heard, this can lead to oppression (Pierson, 2010). The purpose of the social worker when embracing anti-oppressive practice (AOP) is to work holistically with an individual, understanding their circumstances and values, the distinctiveness of their situation and their self-determination whilst also challenging the effects society has on this person. The effects of oppression de-value not only the individual but other individuals within the same marginalised group. Looking again at the example of people with disabilities, the social worker should recognise that all disabled people face oppression however each individual within that group will experience that oppression differently (Horner, 2006). This allows practitioners to embrace individualisation which not only sees the individual but also sees that person on a wider platform encompassing their socio-political situation (Thomson, 2005). Placing themselves in the position of the individual allows the social worker to empathise with them, from here social workers are able to underst and their values and promote the rights of the individuals. Social workers should also be mindful of how they approach people, what level of understanding the service user has and adapt to this, being aware of the language they use for example (Horner, 2006) AOP has no permanent definition, rather a fluid meaning that changes in reflection to social, political, historical and economic factors facing the reality of the service user (Dalrymple et al, 2006). Pierson finds that although AOP is valuable within social work practice, it is also faced with boundaries. He believes that it fails to recognise the importance of poverty within the realms of social injustice for individuals and that AOP ignores the power that neighbourhood can hold in tackling social exclusion by encouraging community participation from individuals. It is seen however as an institution that has one voice speaking for a whole community (Pierson, 2010). Using an ecological approach, looking holistically at an individual by mapping out their connections with their society, neighbourhood and family, it is possible for the practitioner to understand how they have reached social exclusion and potentially oppression. This approach will highlight areas that need addressing which may have been missed and can aid practitioners into supporting service users into social inclusion (Pierson, 2010). This assignment has determined what is meant by social exclusion. It is evident that socially excluded individuals and groups face great difficulty in attempting to overcome it. Discrimination and social attitudes play a part in this although I have found poverty to be the main barrier. The role of the social worker is therefore a vital component, by empowering individuals and challenging legislation and services it can be possible to tackle social exclusion. This should be done at both individual and wider societal levels. What is also apparent is that although social exclusion and oppression are closely linked they may also undermine one another. I have also acknowledged that legislation that is put in place to overcome oppression can sometimes have the opposite effect, this was found when examining the governments initiative to get more disabled people into mainstream employment. As well as anti-oppressive practice, a multi-agency and ecological approach is needed for social worke rs to address and overcome social exclusion, which according to the Code of Conduct set out by Care Council for Wales is an expected role within social work practice. References BASW (2014) Social Work Careers [online]. Birmingham, The British Association of Social Workers. Available from: [accessed on: 30/10/2014] Care Council for Wales (2011) Code of Practice for Social Care Workers. Cardiff, Care Council for Wales Class (2013) Exposing the Myths of Welfare [online]. London, Centre for Labour and Social Studies. Available from: [accessed on: 31/10/2014] Dalrymple, J and Burke, B (2006) Anti-Oppressive Practice, Social Care and the Law (2e) Berkshire: Open University Press Disability Wales (2014) Social Model [online]. Caerphilly, Disability Wales. Available from: [accessed on: 30/10/2014] Fox, N (2014) What are Remploy workers doing now? [online]. London, BBC News. Available from: [accessed on 31/10/2014] Gander, K (2013) Millions of families living in poverty despite being in employment says new study [online] London, The Independent. Available from: [accessed on: 30/10/2014] GOV.UK (2014) Access to Work: Individuals helped to end of June 2014 [online]. London. Available from: [accessed on: 31/10/2014] GOV.UK (2013) Drive to get more people into mainstream jobs [online] London, Available from: [accessed on: 31/10/2014] Horner, N (2006) What is Social Work? Context and Perspectives (2e) Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd. ONS (2014) Social Indicators [online]. Newport, Office for National Statistics. Available from: [accessed on: 30/10/2014] Paton, G (2013) Immigrants fil one in five skilled jobs [online] London, The Telegraph. Available from: [accessed on: 30/10/2014] Pierson, J. (2010) Tackling Social Exclusion (2e). Oxon: Routledge Thompson, N (2009) Understanding Social Work (3e). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Trevithick, P. (2005) Social Work Skills: a practice handbook (2e). Berkshire: Open University Press WAG (2007) Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities. Cardiff: WAG Williams, C (2011) Social Policy for Social Welfare Practice in a Devolved Wales (2e) Birmingham, Venture Press Wilson, K., Ruch, G., Lymbery, M and Cooper, A (2008) Social Work: An introduction to contemporary practice. Essex, Pearson Education Ltd 1

Shaker Communities Essays -- Essays Papers

Shaker Communities During the 1800’s many utopian societies sprouted in the United States. Most of these societies blossomed and faded quite quickly, but one group did not fade away like the others. This society successfully combined their faith with the reasoning of the changing times and kept their communities going strong. They are or known as the Shakers, or more formally as the members of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing. The Shakers were inventors and thinkers who challenged many traditional thoughts and beliefs. Even today, people marvel and wonder at the Shakers and their communities, which have survived for over two hundred and twenty years and whose influences on society still are present today. Originally, the Shakers formed out of a sect of Quakers in England that was known as the "Shaking Quakers" due to their very emotional religious services. Jane and James Wardley led the group who shook, danced, sang and spoke in tongues during services. A woman from Manchester, England, named Ann Lee joined the group in 1758. In 1770 she was arrested and spent time in jail for disturbing the peace during a religious celebration. During this time Ann had her vision of "Adam and Eve having carnal intercourse" which shaped the future of the group.1 Afterwards she came to the realization that sexual intercourse caused humankind’s fall from grace. Following her release from jail, she went forth to tell the members of the Shaking Quakers in Manchester about her vision. At this point, Ann Lee became known as Mother Ann, the leader of the Shaking Quakers. For the next four years, the group remained in England. Due to the persecution they faced during this time, they failed to attract many new members... ...x/soc257/nrms/Shakers.html (5 Mar. 2000). 3. Hillebrand ( Http:// 4. Robley Edward Whitson, The Shakers: Two Centuries of Spiritual Refection (New York: Paulist Press, 1983), 1-2. 5. David R. Lamson, Two Years Experience Among the Shakers (New York: AMS Press Inc., 1971), 10-11. 6. Lawrence Foster, Women, Family, and Utopia (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1991), 30-31. 7. Stephen J. Stein, The Shaker Experience in America (New Haven, CO: Yale University Press, 1992) 133-134. 8. Unknown, "New Release from Storey Books - Shaker Medicinal Herbs" Http:// (5 Mar. 2000). 9. Unknown, "Sabbathday Lake." Http:// (5 Mar. 2000). 10. Harlan ( Http://

Monday, August 19, 2019

Truth, War, and Mongols Essay example -- Mongolian Empires History Ess

Truth, War, and Mongols A historic empire that made an immense impact throughout history, it's being influenced the world around it, it's people were advanced and innovative for the time. The Mongolian empire began at around 1200 A.D. and throughout it's long and large existence, influential ideas and developments were created. Their horsemanship, their militancy, their nomadic lifestyle, their leadership system, their fall and their impact make up all of the components that are needed to fully understand and appreciate the history of the Mongolian empire. The seventh grade history text, Across the Centuries, describes all of these aspects, though not all are presented with depth, their basic ideas and concepts are understood by the students reading the text. The Mongols had the privilege and advantage above all other tribes that led to them to excel in their militancy; they had horses. Their ability to ride horses with efficiency and skill, made conquering less fortunate tribes and expanding the realms of their empire a task beyond simple. In the seventh grade text, a quote about the Mongolian expansion, by Ibn al Athir, is cited: " These Tatars [Mongols] conquered most of the habitable globe and the best, the most flourishing and most populous thereofÃ…  in about a year." (Across the Centuries, p. 162) This quote is supported in the text by a statement regarding their excellence in horsemanship. "On horseback, the Mongols could advance up to 200 miles a day." (Across the Centuries, p.146) These examples clearly show how their being excellent horsemen was to their militant advantage when it came to conquering and expanding. Soldiers were able to travel with a sufficient amount of food and water, distributed among three of f... ...he unit in this particular text, will be a basic span of knowledge that will allow them to further explore the Mongols and their empire with a substantial base to support them and eager minds to lead them on to find out details, facts, significance, and truth. Works Cited ----, Across the Centuries, ----- , Chapter 7 Amitai-Priess, Rueven and David O. Morgan, The Mongol Empire and It's Legacy, Brill Publishing Co., Leiden, Boston, Koln, 1999. Andrea, Alfred J. and James H. Overfield, The Human Record: fourth edition vol.1, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 2001 Bently, Jerry H. and Herbert F. Zeigler, Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perpective on the Past, McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 2000. Lai, David Chuenyan, Land of Genghis Khan, Universtiy of Victoria, Victoria, 1995. Phillips, E.D., The Mongols, Thames and Hudson, London, 1969.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Drug Legalization Essay -- Drugs Argumentative Use Essays

This paper will prove that America’s drug laws are ineffective and cause more harm than good. The notion that a state of freedom exists in America is completely voided by narcotic laws. Narcotic laws cause a black market, which raises the prices of drugs to astronomical levels. These high prices cause drug addicts to turn to crime in order to support their habit. There exists substantial evidence that marijuana is less harmful than legal product like alcohol or nicotine. The war on drugs is comparable to the Vietnam War in its harm on the current generation of minorities. The government avoids ending anti-narcotic legislation because of the vast amount of capital which is spent on the war on drugs in terms of law enforcement and prison systems. Also there are many legislators whose campaign corner stones are often getting tough on drugs, to make an about face would mean political suicide. Yes, drugs are illegal. This very fact is what discourages many Americans from using drugs. However the illegality of the substances in question do not stop all people from using. Despite the severe punishment users of illicit drugs face if caught, illicit drug use is widespread in the United States. â€Å"According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse's 1992 National Household Survey, more than one in three Americans (36.2%) have used illegal drugs at least once in their lifetime, nearly 28 million Americans (11.1%) used them in the previous year, and almost 14 million Americans (5.5%) used them during the past month† (Skolnick 3). This is clear evidence that the war is not working. Drug addicts will continue using drugs regardless of the penalties associated with procession, simply because they are addicted to these dangerous substances an... ...nment run store where drugs would be sold only to adults. Much the same as the way liquor is sold in many areas of the country today. Drugs would for the most part be out of the reach of children. Drugs would be relatively inexpensive, and within the reach of addicts, who would no longer have to turn to crime in order to obtain them (when was the last time you heard of someone getting mugged in order for the perpetrator to buy beer). People would be allowed to freely grow marijuana and or hemp. Treatment for addicts would be free and easily obtainable. Money would be spent on improving the conditions of schools, roads and other things that Americans really need. There would exist much the same laws for operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs as exist for operating under the influence of alcohol today. There would once again be a state of freedom in America.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Moral Value Novel Back to the Dreamtime

NOVEL: BACK TO THE DREAMTIME Based on the story â€Å"Back to the dreamtime† the relationship of two main characters which I choose is Richard and his adoptive brothers, Tom. Richard father was an aboriginal descent, and he died when Richard was two year old. This proof from page 7, said Richard â€Å"my father was an aboriginal and he died when I was two year old.They very close relationship because they in same age and Tom are more elder then Richard, this can be proof on page 23 from the conversation between tom and Richard â€Å"that what older brothers are for† said by tom jokingly, yeah only just a bit older said Richard â€Å"two months to be exact† from this we know that, tom is older than Richard two month, but there are not brother with blood relation. Richard is adoptive children in Tom family and from Aboriginal family. Then, parent Tom is Joe and Sonya and have only one sister, Judy.This family is happiness family because parent Tom take care and lo ve Richard same with their children. Tom and Richard very close because always share sadness and happiness together. We can see in chapter 1, Tom ask Richard about problem Richard and plan Richard after study. They study in the same school. Every day they went to school together. Proof from page 6, â€Å"come on now, let go, or we will be late for school†. Richard, Tom and Judy also usually play together in weekend and they favorite sport is cricket .They always cooperation to become good teachers in cricket to their sister, Judy. They also together to clean up the attic together that ask from their father. They very respect their father and not protest when their ask father to clean up attic and that time, they in start to play cricket together with their sibling. In chapter 2, although they think cannot to finish their job that day because very mess that attic to clean up, the steady to clean up and accept opinion Judy. Tom also close with Richard friend, they always hang o ut together.They usually hang out at their favorite place that just down the road and sat near the edge of the cliff. This proof from page 14, tom and Bradley left the school grounds secretly to go to their favourite place just down the road, but still close enough for the school bell to be heard. They also enjoy with watching the surfers battling the waves and coming off second best. In chapter 3, they discuss about camp at Alice Spring at that place. In chapter 5 also, they have hang out at the railway tracks.They discuss about planning to go Alice Spring and Bradley planning to follow together and they agree with that because Bratley and his father usually go to explore. Tom also responsible brother, in chapter 5, Richard and their parent need go to Alice Spring to solve problem about carver, Tjurunga. That time, with feel responsible ,he ask Richard to follow go to Alice Spring together because he know Richard not go that place to holiday but have serious matter. He as brother f eel responsible to take care and help their brother.For example Tom wanted to come along with Richard to go to Alice Spring to help Richard find more information about his aboriginal life. Although Tom has no connection with Richard’s life but he is willing to sacrifice his break time and not going for holiday to come along with Richard. He know when together ,their parent and Richard will a lot better . He only give reason to go take great photos at that place. Tom also easy to suitable with Richard environment that from aboriginal. In chapter 6, they meet Mr. Aranda to ask about carver, Tjurunga and Mr.Aranda invite to go their house to rest and eat. Although first meet, they start to close with Mr. Aranda because he so nice and ready to help . In chapter 6, they go Hermannsburg Mission to meet Mr. Urandangi to solve their problem about carver, Tjurunga. That place over forty years ago not have guest from white people and Tom and Bradley is first after that. Although they c an suitable with that condition and have some time they see villagers always see they with strange sight. As conclusion, Tom and Richard so close and always take care together as like friend.Although Richard only adoptive children, their family still consider Richard like son and Tom still take care about Richard same he take care their sister Judy. In addition, Tom is a good friend for his brother Richard. For example, when Richard look so confused, Tom come to give Richard some advice such as Tom told Richard that not to give up. Then, Richard must face up to who you really are and he has to come to terms with his new world. Richard also must to be a strong person. So, this advice make Richard feel happy.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Advantages of City Life

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. The Advantages of City Life There are undeniable advantages to both life in a big city and in a small town. The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.However, despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. First, life in the city is more convenient. More goods are available and stores are open later. Also, there is better public transportation so it is easier to get around. I can find almost anything I want easily in the city. Second, there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city. There are many places I can go to meet friends and have fun.Finally, and most importantly, the city offers more educational and career opportunities. The city often attracts the best teach ers and the best companies. There is also a wider choice of jobs so it is easier to move up the career ladder. For all of these reasons, I prefer to live in the city. Although I sometimes miss the fresh air and quiet life of a small town, nothing can make up for the opportunities that the city offers me. If one wants to be successful, I believe the best place to live is the city. The Advantages of City Life The Advantages Of City Life Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. The Advantages of City Life There are undeniable advantages to both life in a big city and in a small town. The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live. However, despite the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. First, life in the city is more convenient. More goods are available and stores are open later. Also, there is better public transportation so it is easier to get around. I can find almost anything I want easily in the city. Second, there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city. There are many places I can go to meet friends and have fun. Finally, and most importantly, the city offers more educational and career opportunities. The city often attracts the best teachers and the best companies. There is also a wider choice of jobs so it is easier to move up the career ladder. For all of these reasons, I prefer to live in the city. Although I sometimes miss the fresh air and quiet life of a small town, nothing can make up for the opportunities that City LifeAs the famous saying goes â€Å"Grass is always greener on the other side†. People who live in the countryside might long to live in the city and those in the city may long for the peace and quiet of countryside life. However, countryside life and city life have several differences which may attract one person or repel another. Let us see some of these differences. Firstly, â€Å"The first wealth is health†, an elderly person might find life in the city to be better in the long run as there is better access to health care facilities and quick availability of round the clock emergency services. However, the kind of health care available in the city is not accessible to someone living in the countryside, as the countryside might have only a local clinic with a rural nurse available, sometimes even a doctor might not be available in the clinic. To add on to that the clinics are not equipped with the supplies necessary for an emergency, sometimes even basic medication becomes out of stock Cities are normally very crowded places as compared to countryside. In the city, you might not have the privacy that you wish for. You would not be able to go outside without bumping into people. You have 10 people living in a small one room kitchen and buildings just as far away as 5 feet. This however is a total different case in the countryside. You might walk for miles without encountering anyone and your nearest neighbor would live miles away. The population of the entire countryside may not be more than a few hundred. Due to high populations and great amount of disposable income, almost everyone in the city has one vehicle or the other. These vehicles, in addition to other sources of pollution, add on to the already worsening atmosphere. On the other hand in the countryside’s due to the absences of a large number of vehicles and other sources of pollution, you have abundance of fresh air and a very calm, clean and serene climatic conditions which are good for our†¦

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ritual – wine taralli

Nonna's Wine Taralli In a tiny house surrounded by a forest of fig trees in Rende, Cosenza, Calabria, my great great grandmother taught her little granddaughter how to make â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli. † That little girl would eventually become my grandmother and she would also teach me the art of wine taralli-making. Two cups of my grandfather's homemade white wine, fourteen ounces of canola oil and sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder, an envelope of â€Å"Lievito Bartolino,† three and a half pounds of flour and â€Å"un po' di aranzi,† as my Italian grandmother says, which are the licorice-flavoured seeds of the nise.These ingredients combine to make â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli† – a cookie-textured, ring shaped and slightly sweetened version of the traditional Italian taralli, whose recipe has been passed on for generations by the women in my southern-Italian family. Come fall and spring, a grandmother makes an abundance of wine taralli in the pre sence of daughters and granddaughters who watch intently and help accordingly.According to Searle's Taxonomy, the making of â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli† is regarded as ritualistic behavior as it is collective, formal, performance and formative, trengthens existing social statuses and relationships, and exudes ultimate goals. To begin, the making of â€Å"Nonna's Wine Taralli† is consistent with Searle's Taxonomy as it is collective, meaning there are at least two people (Searle 19) as well as formal since it calls for conformity, cannot be improvised and is not spontaneous (20). The activity is collective. It involves at least two and at most three women: a grandmother, her daughter and her granddaughter in any which combination.The activity is formal. Each and every ingredient is essential. There is not much, if any, room for improvisation. The flavour is entirely dependent on each and every ingredient. If certain ingredients are missing, sacrificed or substituted, the wine taralli will not taste as they are expected to taste and should taste. There is not only an expected taste, but also an expected and fixed order of events. The beating of the oil, sugar and white wine come first, followed by the sifting of the flour, baking powder, â€Å"Lievito Bartolino† and â€Å"aranzi,† then the kneading of the dough, the cutting of the strips and finally, the formation of the rings.Furthermore, the activity is performance. It can be seen as performance as it is bodily and demands its participants submit to a particular role (22). The activity involves the beating and sifting of the essential ingredients and the kneading of the dough through folding, pressing, and stretching, which require steady hand and wrist movements. It also involves roles which are quite fixed and unchanging. I recall standing on top of a chair in order to reach the counter of my grandmother's kitchen at the young age of five.I watched her perform er role which involve d kneading the dough with her strong hands as I waited anxiously for my role to come, which consisted of rolling the soft dough into strips and then forming them into the taralli's distinct ring-like shape. Throughout the years, the roles between my grandmother and I have remained the same. Finally, the making of wine taralli is formative and strengthens existing relationships and social statuses (24). An abundance are made to last several months since we gather only twice a year to make them.Since so many ot them are being produced at one time, he participants, especially young granddaughters like myself, have the opportunity to develop the ability to create and perfect the art of taralli-making. It also allows participants to strengthen existing familial and cultural bonds and social statuses. The familial bond between grandmothers, mothers and daughters and the familial status of being a member of this particular family are present and strengthened. The cultural bond that is shar ed in being members of the Italian heritage is strengthened by the practicing of an age old cultural tradition.The bond of womanhood is trengthened in that the participants are exclusively Italian women from the same family. These bonds are present while not explicitly stated. While there is only a small group of participants, the bonds and social statuses that are shared amongst them are strong and meaningful. A popular Italian saying that is spoken by my grandmother when making wine taralli is, â€Å"one can resolve any argument over a glass of wine and a handful of taralli. † As I get older, it becomes more clear to me what the ultimate goals of this ritual are and how they are achieved.

Back ground of Venezuela

Gran Colombia collapsed in 1830 and out of it came Venezuela together with two other countries. Venezuela occupies an area of 912,050 sq. km. which is approximated to be almost three times more than the area of California. The capital city of Venezuela is Caracas and other major cities in the country are Valencia, Maracay and Maracaiba among others. In terms of climate, the country experiences tropical and temperate climate depending on the altitude. The total population is estimated to be 28 million with an annual growth rate of 1. 6%. About 96% of Venezuela’s citizens are Roman Catholics who live in the urban areas.Venezuela embraces compulsory education for at least nine years which has seen 95% of the total population become literate (Anon. 2010). There are many ethnic groups that live in the country such as the Arab, German, and Spanish. Venezuela’s export comes from natural resources such as petroleum, coal, natural gas, hydroelectric power and others. Statistics shows that the GDP is $313 billion with a per capita of $11,207 and an annual growth rate of 2. 9 percent. Government expenditure is estimated to be 27 percent of the total GDP (Anon. 2010).With the growth in the economy, most people have moved from the rural areas to settle in the urban centers leading to congestion and increased pollution. The consumer price index has been increasing significantly over the last five years. The government dictates over the economy and controls the oil company and the electricity sector. Most of the assets in the country have been nationalized denying private investors space for investments. For many years the country has been experiencing high inflation rates coupled with threats of poverty which makes it even harder for private investors (Anon.2010). The income inequality is quite significant with some people living in poverty and others in extreme poverty. The Gini coefficient has been estimated to be 0. 41. Unemployment rate was estimated to be 6. 6 percent in the formal sectors although this does not depict a clear picture of the unemployment in the country since more than half of the total work force work in informal sector. For a long time, Venezuela has been having border disagreements with Guyana and Colombia but policies are being employed to ensure that peace is restored (Anon. 2010).Some of the problems that the country is facing can be addressed through privatization of some of the government assets. Private investors play a major role in boosting the economy of any nation. The government should embark on policies aimed at making developments in rural areas so as to increase employment opportunity and reduce congestion in the urban areas. Reference list Anon, (2010). Background Note; Venezuela, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs [Flag of Venezuela], Retrieved May 12, 2010 from, http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35766. htm

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion

A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion Abstract The topic of abortion has been a controversial subject for many years. The people for or against it have split into two groups, pro- life and pro-choice. The main topic of discussion about this is when does life begin and when is it appropriate for abortion to be done, if it is appropriate or okay at any time at all. There has been many facts and reasons for why or why not abortion should be done. These will be found in the following paper. Keywords: pro life, pro choice, abortion. Pro Life vs Pro Choice: When does life begin? The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option continues to divide many Americans, even after the US Supreme Court’s ruling declaring that abortion is a fundamental right† for women nationwide. People that agree with this, referred to as pro-choice, believe that abortion is a right that should not be limited by the government or any religious authority. They also say that pregnant women with unwanted pregnancies will succumb to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option available to them (Should Abortion, 2013). People against this identifying themselves as pro-life, saying that ‘personhood’ begins at conception, thus meaning abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. It is also said by â€Å"pro-lifers† that abortion inflicts suffering on the unborn child, and also that it isn’t fair to allow abortion when couples who cannot biologically conceive are waiting to adopt (Head, 2013). It has been said in many articles that abortion is wrong, and all of them give ideally the same reasons as said before. One article in particular however shows the change of a person from pro-choice, to pro-life. It tells the story of a pro-choice medical student that after his experience of witnessing an abortion quickly changed his opinion on the matter. Terzo’s witness of the abortion was following (2013): When I entered the operating room, it felt like any other I had ever been in. On the table in front of me, I saw a woman, legs up as if delivering a child although she was asleep. Next to her was a tray of instruments for the abortion and a vacuum machine for suctioning the fetal tissues from the uterus. The doctors put on their gowns and masks and the procedure began. The cervix was held open with a crude metal instrument and a large transparent tube was stuck inside of the woman. Within a matter of seconds, the machine’s motor was engaged and blood, tissue, and tiny organs were pulled out of their environment into a filter. A minute later, the vacuum choked to a halt. The tube was removed, and stuck to the end was a small body and a head attached haphazardly to it, what was formed of the neck snapped. The ribs had formed with a thin skin covering them, the eyes had formed, and the inner organs had begun to function. The tiny heart of the fetus, obviously a little boy, had ju st stopped — forever. The vacuum filter was opened, and the tiny arms and legs that had been torn off of the fetus were accounted for. The fingers and toes had the beginnings of their nails on them. The doctors, proud of their work, reassembled the body to show me. Tears welled up in my eyes as they removed the baby boy from the table and shoved his body into a container for disposal. He goes on saying that most people who are pro-choice as he was before, are only pro choice because they do not know what is happening in that operating room, and if they did they would most certainly become pro-life, if not in it’s entirety, then simply in the abortion aspect of it. There is another article that give insight into the argument of â€Å"when does life really begin?† It was said that even pro choice philosophers agree that life begins at fertilization. According to Wilcox (2013), â€Å"They grow through cellular reproduction and division, they metabolize food for energy, and they respond to stimuli. In fact, the only thing the unborn need to survive are adequate nutrition, a proper environment, and an absence of fatal threats. That’s all any of us need. There is no point in human development at which the developing entity goes from non-life to living†. The artcle continues to state that since life does begin at fertilization that abortion is the immoral killing of human beings and should not be legal. My reaction to this simply, why does it affect them? Whether it is their moral belief, philosophical belief, or scientific belief, the actions of others outside their immediate group or family will most likely not affect them. To me it almost as if they are trying to push their moral belief on someone and persuade everyone to believe what they believe, this cannot always happen. Who gives someone the right to tell someone whether or not they can legally decide to bring a life into the world, the government? Why is the government revisiting an issue that was seemingly resolved before in another case? Is this an attempt to even further control the population? I am asking these questions because it is literally impossible to have everyone be happy, even in a compromise, both parties is not totally getting what they wanted. So, in my opinion, I think that the lawfulness of abortion should be left alone. It has been working fine, and although everyone is not happy, it is too controversial of a subject that should not be touched again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Choose a quote from a journal article and use it to put forth your own Essay

Choose a quote from a journal article and use it to put forth your own argument - Essay Example The term hegemony, historically, signifies a city, state or country that has exerted power and might over other cities and/or countries, indirectly rather than directly through military rule. Modern day use of the word hegemony refers to a group of people exercising power over another group, suppressing and influencing their existence and aspects of life. A very common example found in society today could be of the wealthy and rich class being able to exercise might over the poor solely due to the latter’s ability to utilize money and wealth to affect elements of society and control the lives of the poor. The subaltern is a highly complex term that is used to refer to certain kinds of dispossessed people who fit the model of the oppressor or the oppressed as the individual so marginalized that he/she does not even carry the ‘voice’ of the oppressed. So we can say that if the oppressor is ‘Other’ and the oppressed is ‘Self’, then the subal tern is the one invisible to both the Other and the Self. Some scholars suggest that the term subaltern reflects the term proletariat. â€Å"Some thinkers use it in a general sense to refer to marginalized groups and the lower classes – a person rendered without agency by his or her social status.† (Young, Robert J.C., 2003). ... Reflecting the concepts of hegemony and subalternty in the Karl Marx’s theory, we can say that the subalterns are under the spell of false consciousness; a state that does not allow them to realize the fact that they are being oppressed by the hegemons, and accept their condition and position in society as fate. They are under the false impression that nothing can absolutely be done to improve their statuses. Since hegemony is practiced through the use of wealth, the hegemons have used the value of their wealth and riches to form a structure called the media and have used it’s influential power to further marginalize and oppress the subalterns. The subalterns are said to have no ‘voice’ and no strength, therefore it is believed impossible for these groups to rebel and earn their positions and statuses. â€Å"There's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.†Ã‚  (Arundhati Roy). It is clearly evident that the subalterns did not by cause of nature exist in such a marginalized, oppressed and ‘voiceless’ form, rather these characteristics were forced upon them by hegemony. However, according to Karl Marx’s theory, the subalterns will eventually develop a voice for themselves, a rebellious voice and utilize it’s power. Following the theory of Historical Materialism, the subalterns will gradually through a lot of push and pull, emerge out of their state of false consciousness and realize that they are being led falsely astray by their oppressors. The power and influence of wealth and the media will no longer be able to play their roles in creating an illusion of helplessness for the subalterns to believe in; instead

Monday, August 12, 2019

Human genetic enhancement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human genetic enhancement - Essay Example The introduced genes may support the normal genes and enhance certain traits and this also provides solution to many human genetic or phenotypic disorders such as short height etc. However, the implementation of the technology on humans have raised a number of ethical concerns since it alters nature’s selection and destroys the original identity of the person who is being bio-enhanced even though the same technology maybe beneficial is used knowledgably and hence the U.S policy makers must keep a number of things in mind before adjusting the limit to which genetic enhancement maybe allowed. The President of America has ordered the removal of all limitations on the research involving stem cell technologies since the field is deemed promising and the research of â€Å"human embryonic cells and human non-embryonic cells has the potential to lead to better understanding and treatment of many disabling disease and conditions† (The President,2009, 10667). This has enable rese arch endeavor in the field of enhancement however, this is deemed â€Å"interfering† and â€Å"unethical†. In the framework of human rights, each individual has the right to his or her own genetic identity and hence enjoy the uniqueness bestowed through the genetic makeup. The molecular tools that helps to manipulate this genetic makeup destroys this uniqueness and the original identity of the person which automatically leads to violation of the basic human rights. One of the most important features of genetic enhancement at the embryonic level is that it would enable a baby to have 3 and even 4 genetic parents at one time and therefore gives rise an ethical dilemma since this will interfere with the identity of the child. Researchers who are associated with the development of the technology claim that human genetic enhancement is a primary tool for preventing or diagnosing genetic disease in babies. Rob Stein informs us that geneticists and researchers have found out how to manipulate the DNA in the human egg and this is being hailed as an immensely advanced achievement since it will help prevent hereditary genetic disorders in the babies (All things Considered,2012). The researchers develop healthy embryos by substituting the mutated or defective DNA in the baby with normal DNA taken from healthy gene. Mitchell in his article says that a line must be drawn between genetic therapy and enhancement. The scientists involved in genetic enhancement technology have diminished the line between using genetic manipulation for treating genetic problems and disorders and substituting or supplementing normal genes with selected better genes to create a superior human (Mitchell,2010). Biological enhancement is not in conformity with the true motive of medical treatments. Medical treatments are aimed towards providing good health to patients and keeping them as â€Å"natural† as possible i.e. the internal and the external balance of each individual mus t be kept optimum and a complete state of homeostasis must be maintained. Mitchell writes â€Å"Whether we call it healing, wellness, or shalom, the goals of medicine are restorative and preventive† (Mitchell,2010) and human genetic advancements must not be thereby deemed as a method for clinical prevention of diseases. It cannot be denied that man has always wanted his children to be better. It is often a